



176.7k Player
79.5k VOTES

Step onto the cricket pitch in Cricket, a true-to-life simulation of the beloved sport. This game recreates the atmosphere and excitement of a real cricket match, complete with a scoring system that calculates your performance with every cricket hit. As you aim for high scores, you'll be rewarded with the enthusiastic cheers of the virtual crowd. In Cricket, your objective is to demonstrate your batting skills and accumulate as many points as possible by hitting the cricket ball. Each successful hit adds to your score, and the better your performance, the more applause and cheers you'll receive from the simulated audience. Gather your friends for a multiplayer cricket showdown and collectively strive for a higher score to earn even more cheers and admiration from the virtual crowd. Cricket offers a fun and engaging way to experience the excitement of cricket with friends and compete for the loudest cheers. Whether you're a cricket enthusiast or just looking for some casual fun, Cricket provides an entertaining cricket experience that's easy to pick up and play. So, step up to the crease, take your stance, and swing for the fences as you aim to become the crowd's favorite cricket star.

How to play Cricket?

Hit the Cricket Ball: Use your skills to make successful cricket hits and accumulate points. Earn Cheers: The virtual audience will cheer louder as you score higher. Multiplayer Mode: Invite friends to join and compete for the biggest applause from the crowd.