

Cricket Hero

445.9k Player
160.5k VOTES

Cricket Hero is a thrilling and fast-paced cricket-themed arcade game that puts your batting skills to the test. As the batter, you must use your bat to hit an array of objects, including balls and eggs, as they approach from different directions and at varying speeds. Your goal is to score as many points as possible by successfully hitting these objects while avoiding three consecutive misses, which will result in being "out." The game's speed and difficulty increase over time, making each level more challenging and heart-pounding than the last. Cricket Hero offers an addictive gaming experience for cricket enthusiasts and arcade lovers alike.

How to play Cricket Hero?

In Cricket Hero, you'll tap or swipe to control your bat and hit the incoming balls and objects. The faster your reflexes and precision, the more successful hits you'll achieve. Your score is determined by the number of successful hits you make before reaching the "three strikes and you're out" limit. As you progress, you'll encounter faster-moving and more unpredictable objects, requiring quick thinking and adaptability.