

Dominoes Deluxe

521.5k Player
83.4k VOTES

Dominoes Deluxe brings the traditional and enjoyable game of Dominoes to your digital device. In this game, you'll be presented with a set of numbered tiles, and your objective is to strategically place them on the playing surface by matching the numbers on the tiles to those already in play.

How to play Dominoes Deluxe?

Game Objective: The primary goal is to be the first to play all your tiles or have the lowest total remaining tile value when no more moves are possible. Tile Placement: Drag and drop a tile from your collection onto the playing area, ensuring that one of the tile's numbered ends matches an open end of a tile already on the board. Winning: The player who successfully places all their tiles or has the lowest sum of tile values when no more moves are available wins the game.