

Long Skirt 3d

420.6k Player
197.7k VOTES

Prepare for an exciting rooftop adventure in Long Skirt 3D. In this parkour game, you'll take on the role of a character who collects silk threads scattered along the path to extend their skirt. As your skirt grows longer, you gain the ability to use it as a parachute, allowing you to hover gracefully and navigate between rooftops. Your goal is to reach the finish line while collecting as many silk threads as possible to maximize your score. With a dynamic and challenging gameplay experience, Long Skirt 3D combines quick thinking and precision gliding for an exhilarating parkour journey.

How to play Long Skirt 3d?

In Long Skirt 3D, players control a character on a rooftop course, collecting silk threads to extend their skirt. As the skirt lengthens, players can activate it like a parachute to glide safely between rooftops and obstacles. The objective is to successfully reach the finish line while collecting as many silk threads as possible for a higher score.